Case Study: PVUMC

United Methodist Church located in Paradise Valley, Arizona.

Paradise Valley United Methodist Church (PVUMC) approached RJD Creative about undertaking a review, and ultimately a “refresh” of its brand identity. After an extensive research exercise by the PVUMC Marketing Team, it was decided that their brand identity was dated, and lacked an up-to-date appeal to current and potential members. It was also determined that some brand identity elements, included the logo symbol, contained brand equity and ultimately should be kept as part of the system.

RJD Creative proceeded with a comprehensive design refresh of the PVUMC brand identity system. The most immediate need was redesign and rebuild of the PVUMC website (, so this was addressed first. The site was rebuilt in WordPress, integrated with the existing church calendaring and scheduling software, integrated with PVUMC’s accounting software to enable online donation and payment.

The corporate logo was refreshed, keeping the existing logo symbol, but condensing the church name to “pvumc” and set in a sans serif font in lowercase to reinforce PVUMC’s brand attributes of “Warm & Welcoming”. A tiered system of organizational logos was created, including separate brand mark systems for church ministries, programs, events, small groups, retail entities and partnering opportunities.

A series of print collateral assets was redesigned, including a corporate stationery system, brochures, posters, flyers, print ads and the PVUMC bi-monthly multi-page newsletter. Collateral templates for each piece were produced for internal creation and production of future marketing materials. The weekly e-newsletter was also redesigned, and a template created in PVUMC’s email marketing platform for easy replication of future issues. Finally, a comprehensive Brand Identity Standards manual was created, for internal reference when creating future branding and marketing communications materials.